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Moses Omeogo



Project Name:


pandoras algorithm

Just as Prometheus bestowed fire upon humanity, knowledge grows with every achievement scientists bring forth. As titans of the new age, they wield wisdom and power. With rapid developments in quantum computing, various implications for the future arise. Among those are benefits and uncertainties. However, these are only known to a select few. Therefore, alienation thrives between those who seek answers and the individuals that fail to comprehend their questions. Our world continues to be driven to a state in which science blurs the boundaries of reality. The thought that art and science exist as separated monopolistic entities, is a thing of the past. What makes science so unapproachable is its highly specific vocabulary which creates an immanent language barrier between citizens and scientists. However, if one uses the concepts of artistic research, the two fields in question (art and science) can enhance each other. Therefore, creating a new form of visualized knowledge which in turn strengthens an opportunity for dialogue between science and society. The (re)- evolution of the linguistic turn towards the visual turn, supports those new possibilities. By using the methods of experimentation, observation and reflection in his own practice, Moses Omeogo explores the developments and implications of quantum computing. Through using a selection of staged, documentary and still life pictures he exposes various intertwining narratives of science, simulation and hidden power structures.

Canon Europe is a sponsor of the Hamburg Portfolio Review
Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg is a sponsor of the Hamburg Portfolio Review
Altonaer Museum is a sponsor of the Hamburg Portfolio Review
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